St Helena’s Ladies Auxiliary Mission Statement
Made up of adult women volunteers, we support our church and community by giving of our time, talents and treasures to benefit others. The qualifications are to be an adult Catholic woman and attend meetings, as possible. Meetings are currently being held in the Dolan Center on the second Tuesday at 06:30 PM.
We organize and have a rummage sale annually, staff and supply our monthly bake sale, we also staff and supply our sweet shops and silent auction for the Bingo Games and the annual Church Festival. Through our efforts, we support Saint Vincent DePaul, our Building and general operational funds, several Seminarians and supply and staff a meal for the Catholic Worker House with the Knights of Columbus. We also fund the Knights Scholarship Program.
The word “auxiliary” literally means support. We work hand in hand with the Knights of Columbus #7965, our church and the community with love. We support each other with friendship and prayer: we do all this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.