Begins Tuesday, July 5 -- 9:00am-5:00pm in the faith formation office.
Register early; RE sessions begin on September 25. Deadline to register is
September 9; by that date, most class sessions are full.
Information you will need for registering:
parish ID number (if you know it)
The original Baptism certificate for your child if the child is in need of preparation for first communion or confirmation; the office makes a copy.
at least a partial payment of fees (to ensure a space in class session selected)
Class sessions: Preschool ages 4-5 (Kids in the Kingdom):
Sunday mornings 10-11am & 12-1pm
Middle School Grades 6 -8: EDGE
Wednesday evening: 7:00-8:30pm
High School Grades 9 – 12: Life Teen
Sunday evening: 5:00-8:30pm
Confirmation: Grades 9-12: Year 2
Thursday evening: 7:00-8:30pm
WHY should children continue in religious education after they celebrate their first communion?
Religious education is for the formation of children, not only for preparation for the sacraments. Faith formation is life-long for every baptized Catholic.
One parent remarked that they felt it was a “waste: of time since every year the children were taught the same thing.
Every grade learns the fundamentals of our faith at their age appropriate level. The text books we utilize are approved by the United States Conference of Catholic bishops and are in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.