Mature Catholics wanting to know about their faith, Brides and Grooms intending to start their new life together by completing all their sacraments, veterans returning home and wishing to be more grounded in their faith, all are welcome to begin their adult study of the sacrament of Confirmation.
1. Divorced: Catholics who are divorced, but
NOT remarried or engaged,
may prepare for Confirmation
If this status changes, they must complete a petition for nullity on the prior marriage(s) BEFORE they marry in the Church. Failure to do so places them outside the state of grace, and unable to receive the sacraments.
2. Re-married: Catholics who divorce and re-marry without obtaining a formal decree of nullity on the prior failed marriage(s) (either their own, or their spouses) may not receive any of the Church’s sacraments unless they complete the required petition
and the Church grants the annulment.
3. Married: Catholics seeking the sacrament of Confirmation must be married by the Church, either by a deacon or priest
BEFORE receiving the sacrament of Confirmation
If a Catholic is currently married civilly, common-law, or by another Christian minister, they must have their marriage con-validated (blessed) by the Catholic Church prior to being confirmed.
Those wishing to participate are asked to register by filling out information forms at the faith formation office.
Documents Required: 1. a
NEWLY dated
Certificate of Baptism with notations from the church of their baptism, dated no more than 6 months from the time preparation begins (any certificate issued prior to July 2017 is not valid for this purpose).
Do not submit the original certificate issued at the time of baptism.
2 Sponsor Application *. Sponsors must meet the following requirements at the minimum, but should be fully active in their own parishes, and must
be able to validly receive Holy Communion each Sunday.
Must be at least 16 years old;
Must be fully initiated in the Catholic Church (Baptized, Confirmed, Holy Communion)
Must not be parent/guardian of the adult
If married, marriage must be formally recognized by the Catholic Church.
Is not the spouse or fiancé of the intended participant
Participants should choose their sponsor very carefully.
Sponsors will be expected to validly receive Holy Communion during the Rite of Confirmation with their candidates. If a person is unable to receive Holy Communion due to marital status, they are ineligible to serve as sponsor.